Best Kept Secret Festival 2023 Sfeer Zaterdag 025 klein
13 February2024

Day splits & day tickets

Program per day & day tickets

The day splits for Best Kept Secret 2024 are now available! You can find the program per day (for ONE, TWO, The Secret and Casbah) on our program page. Simply use the filter at the top of the page to see the acts per day. Stay tuned for more program updates, and day splits of our other stages.

Day tickets for BKS24 will go on sale this Friday, 16 February, at 12:00 noon.

Program page

BKS24 App

The BKS24 app is now available! Download or update the BKS app, and start saving your favorite acts. This way, your curated program will automatically appear in the app when the BKS timetable is released later on. Isn't that magical?